
Keep updated with the latest from us.
Explainer: Charities Amendment Act 2023
April 16, 2024
In 2023, the Charities Act 2005 was amended. Some changes are already in place but others come into force in early July 2024.
Explainer: Broadcasting Standards
March 18, 2024
The Broadcasting Authority is responsible for determining complaints, oversight and development of broadcasting standards, and education and engagement.
Case brief: Reay v Attorney General
March 8, 2024
Reay v Attorney-General was a landmark case that captured the attention of the engineering and legal community in New Zealand. The saga surrounding the Canterbury Television (“CTV”) building's tragic collapse in the 2011 Christchurch earthquake revealed complex layers of accountability, professional ethics, and regulatory oversight which had to be challenged and ultimately improved.
Case Brief: Trans-Tasman Resources Limited v The Taranaki-Whanganui Conservation Board [2021] NZSC 127
March 7, 2024
The Supreme Court unanimously confirmed the High Court’s decision to quash resource consents granted to Trans-Tasman Resources Limited (“TTR”) to mine iron sands in the South Taranaki Bight.
Case Brief: New Health New Zealand Incorporated v Director-General of Health [2023] NZHC 3183
February 27, 2024
A consumer advocacy group successfully challenged directions by the Director-General of Health ordering 14 local councils to fluoridate their water supply.
Case brief: Pyne v Invacare New Zealand Limited [2023] NZEmpC 179
February 1, 2024
This was an appeal to the Employment Court from an Employment Relations Authority (“ERA”) decision. The case arose from the termination of someone’s (Mr Darren Pyne’s) employment as part of a restructure, where the employer had concerns about his conduct and performance. Redundancies are meant to be about the position (being superfluous to the employer’s requirements), not about the person (i.e. not about performance or behaviour issues).
Renee Jones v Nga Rangitahi Toa Creative Arts Imitative Trust
January 23, 2024
Renee Jones v Nga Rangitahi Toa Creative Arts Initiative Trust is a September 2022 decision and the latest word from the Employment Relations Authority (ERA), about when employers can rely on fixed-term employment agreements.
Case Brief: Re Harder
January 15, 2024
An advocate for Pike River families successfully sought access to privileged documents relating to the decision not to prosecute people involved in the mining disaster.
Woolworths New Zealand Ltd v Auckland Council [2023] NZSC 45
January 9, 2024
Two supermarkets appealed to the Supreme Court challenging the legality of a decision to uphold Auckland Council’s provisional local alcohol policy.

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There are not many specialist public lawyers. Even fewer have commercial experience. We start and end with commercial interests at heart.

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