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Case brief: Young v Attorney-General [2023] NZSC 142
October 10, 2024
A landowner unsuccessfully attempted to recover compensation from the Crown for its alleged failure to abate a rock fall hazard arising from neighbouring ‘red zoned’ land.
E tū Inc & Anor v Raiser Operations BV & Ors
August 30, 2024
The Court of Appeal upheld the Employment Court’s decision in E tū Inc & Anor v Raiser Operations BV & Ors finding that the true nature of the relationship between Uber and its drivers, was one of employment. The Court clarified the test to be applied under section 6 of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Case brief: Buller Electricity Ltd v Electricity Authority and Transpower New Zealand Ltd [2024] NZHC 706
August 20, 2024
The High Court declined an application for judicial review of the Electricity Authority’s decision to grant Transpower New Zealand Ltd a discretionary power to reclassify transmission assets, and Transpower’s decision to exercise that power.
Case brief: Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses (Australasia) Ltd v Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care and in the Care of Faith Based Institutions
July 25, 2024
The Court of Appeal declined to make a declaration excluding the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith from the Royal Commission into abuse in state and faith-based care.
Case brief: Greenpeace Aotearoa Incorporated v Hiringa Energy Limited and Ballance Agri-Nutrients Limited [2023] NZCA 672
July 22, 2024
The Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-track Consenting) Act 2020 (“FTCA”) was enacted to facilitate economic and social recovery from the impacts of Covid-19. It allowed referred and listed projects to be consented by an expert panel rather than requiring them to go through ordinary resource consenting procedures.
Case brief: Parore v Attorney-General [2023] NZHC 1010
July 11, 2024
A real-estate agent was awarded more than $75,000 in Baigent damages because his fair trial rights were breached during an Inland Revenue tax investigation.
Case brief: Feed Families Not Pokies Aotearoa Inc v Secretary of Internal Affairs [2024] NZHC 217
June 27, 2024
A non-profit organisation successfully applied for a declaration that a non-statutory process that allowed pokie machine operators to relocate was unlawful under the Gambling Act 2003.
Local Government Standing Orders - Advice on the LGNZ Guide
May 23, 2024
In August 2022, Local Government New Zealand released its template document “The guide to LGNZ standing orders: He aratohu i te anga tikanga whakahaere hui a LGNZ”. This document is meant to guide councils on updating their standing orders, which LGNZ encourages them to do following a local body election. Franks Ogilvie has examined whether this Guide reflects the legal obligations of local authorities.
Case Brief: Smith v Fonterra Co-Operative Group Ltd
May 6, 2024
An iwi leader successfully appealed a decision striking out his climate-change based tort claims against several major greenhouse gas emitters.

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